Edmonds Cookery Book

Edmonds Cookery Book
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Edmonds Cookery Book

This iconic New Zealand cookbook has been described as just as important to any New Zealand kitchen as a stove and knife. Now in its 69th edition, with all the kiwi classics that have been passed down through generations such as Bacon and Egg Pie, Anzac Biscuits, Christmas Mince Pies, Custard Squares, Steak and Kidney pie, Whitebait Fritters, Ginger Crunch, Beetroot Relish, Sausage Rolls, Lamingtons, Scotch Eggs, Pikelets and so much more. Approximately 400 recipes and cooking tips.

The Edmonds Cookery Book was first published in 1908 by as a marketing tool for baking powder, manufactured by Thomas Edmonds. The front cover shows the old factory on Ferry Road in Christchurch with the slogan "Sure To Rise" 

The once go-to gift for newly engaged couples has sold over 3,000,000 copies, and to this day remains one of New Zealand's top selling books with 200,000 copies still being sold annually.

It's not a Kiwi Kitchen without Edmonds.

Name Edmonds Cookery Book
Category Home, Bath and Kitchen
Producer The Kiwi Importer
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SKU >edmonds

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